About Us

Love Learn Lead

We have a lot of ministries to encourage growth and provide support for our congregation. Although ministries are often geared toward our congregation, we would encourage anyone to attend.


Wednesday Bible Study

This group meets on Wednesday to study scripture together. This is a gathering of believers to ask tough questions, seek the answers in scripture and grow together as a community. All are invited as we work our way through various books of the Bible, verse by verse. We would love for you to join us.

Spiritual Growth

We have begun using discipleship groups to encourage spiritual growth. These small (only 3 per group) intentional groups provide homework, Bible studies, memorization and accountability to cultivate the correct environment for growth with Christ. If you are looking for a challenge to push yourself forward in your walk with Christ, then this may be for you. See pastor Kevin for possible openings.

Women’s Ministry

The woman’s ministry is designed to strengthen and encourage the women in our church and community. Activities include weekly Bible Study, fun activities and a yearly “Flourish” Conference. See more about Flourish here.

Mens Ministry

There is a lot going on for men in our community! We have men’s fellowship on the second Saturday of each month at 8:00am for breakfast. We also participate in our Conferences Mens Retreat every September. In October, our men head oU on our annual hunting/Wshing trip. Summer usually consists of a golf outing or two. Regardless of the time, there is always something going on.

Spiritual Renewal

The Great Banquet or Awakening (Bryan, Ohio) is a structured weekend designed to strengthen and renew the faith of Christians. Through a combined eUort of laity and clergy, the Great Banquet focuses on the renewal of the church. See pastor Kevin if you are interested.